A Venice Beach portrait.
I got lots of good Holga shots back from the store, basically one roll of black and white, and one roll of color film. This is one is the first color picture. There are also more Lensbaby results on my hard disk from last Sunday. I'm not sure what it is, the imperfect optics of these toys that make photographing so easy going, or simply the fun of using something new..I might keep posting daily now for a while.
you weren't expecting me to pick THIS one, huh? :) love it. so intense a capture.
That was much easier to guess than your previous pick.
Quick question... I just got into MF Photography (Kiev 88CM) but I'm somewhat disappointment with the quality of my scans from my lab. Can you tell me what image resolution is reasonable or should I get my own film scanner?
By the way, that dude looks like he's giving you an instruction in cymbals "take cymbals, hold'em like this and bam!"
HAHA!..very funny! I'll check when I'm home..
OK, so my photo store offers hight-res and low-res scans. So far I only ordered the low-res ones which are 1024x1040 with 72 dpi. The ones I'm posting are slightly downsized.
That's probably enough for viewing anyway. I just feel the urge to temper with them in photoshop. For that reason I need a better quality scan. Thanks for your input.
But they should be able to scan them for you in higher resolutions, no?
Not my lab(LeCamera), or they don't want to. I'm actually looking into a Epson V500 scanner for around $125,- on Ebay.
By the way, for some reason I can't post a response on my own blog so I post it here: Do you still know where the Pump in Hamilton is?
It's right here: http://www.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=plainsboro,+nj&sll=40.155786,-74.073257&sspn=0.137235,0.308647&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Plainsboro,+Middlesex,+New+Jersey&ll=40.258465,-74.615992&spn=0.068514,0.154324&z=13&layer=c&cbll=40.258548,-74.615958&panoid=y4QaA4uvV9KYdD1pnMSCTQ&cbp=12,318.35,,0,17.81
Thank you Sir. I'll check it out.
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